30 Sep. 2022
Archery is one of India's most high-profile Olympic disciplines. Department of Sports under Ministry of Youth .Affairs and Sports has identified 10 Olympic sports disciplines in which India has greater potential for excellence and winning medals.Department of Sports, Government of Jharkhand intends to establish an international standard Archery range at Jamshedpur. The proposed archery range shall be made operational well before the ensuing 39th National Games to be held in Meghalaya so that promising archers from the state can practice and get acclimatized with the globally defined standards. The proposed shooting archery will have following facilities: Range for Indian round Archery, 50 bedded Sports hostel and a Gymnasium. Considering this we have been appointed as a structural consultant for this project and have been asked to furnish a structural solution for “Steel Intensive Archery Academy with Hostel” for INSDAG(2022-23).
Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG) is a not-for-profit, member-based organization established by the Government of India (Ministry of Steel) and Major Steel Producers of the Country in the year 1996 as a “Society” under Societies Registrations Act of West Bengal 1961.
Like every year, in 2022, they organised this National level structural design competition. The competition consisted of 2 rounds, where 54 different colleges from all over India participated including several IIT, NIT and other private institutes. Mr. Soham De from Deyan Infratech, participated and secured 3rd place in the event.